I have a grammar I am parsing which consists of exactly two required and unique logical parts, Alpha
and Beta
. These parts can be defined in any order, Alpha
before Beta
or visa-vera. I would like to provide robust error messages for the less tech-savvy users.
In the example below there are cases where multiple parse failures exist. I concatenate the failure message String
s with the unlines
function and pass the resulting concatenation into the fail
combinator. This creates a ParseError
value with a single Message
value when parse
is called on grammarDefinition
Example Scenario:
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Text.Parsec (Parsec)
import Text.Parsec.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Result = Result Alpha Beta
type Alpha = Set (Int,Float)
type Beta = Set String
grammarDefinition :: Parsec String u Result
grammarDefinition = do
segments <- partitionEithers <$> many segment
_ <- eof
case segments of
( [], []) -> fail $ unlines [missingAlpha, missingBeta]
( _, []) -> fail $ missingBeta
( [], _) -> fail $ missingAlpha
((_:_:_), (_:_:_)) -> fail $ unlines [multipleAlpha, multipleBeta]
( _, (_:_:_)) -> fail $ multipleBeta
((_:_:_), _) -> fail $ multipleAlpha
( [x], [y]) -> pure $ Result x y
missingAlpha = message "No" "alpha"
missingBeta = message "No" "beta"
multipleAlpha = message "Multiple" "alpha"
multipleBeta = message "Multiple" "beta"
message x y = concat [x," ",y," defined in input, ","exactly one ",y," definition required"]
-- Type signature is important!
segment :: Parsec String u (Either Alpha Beta)
segment = undefined -- implementation irrelevant
I would like the ParseError
to contain multiple Message
values in the case of multiple failures. This should be possible due to the existence of the addErrorMessage
function. I am not sure hw to supply multiple failure within the Parsec monadic context, before the result is materialized by calling parse
Example Function:
fails :: [String] -> ParsecT s u m a
fails = undefined -- Not sure how to define this!
How do I supply multiple Message
values to the ParseError
result within Parsec's monadic context?
I would recommend transitioning from Parsec
to newer and more extensible Megaparsec
This exact issue has been resolved since version
Multiple parse error Message
s can easily be created with the following function:
fails :: MonadParsec m => [String] -> m a
fails = failure . fmap Message