I am using a factory in my in my todoController . I am not sure if the $scope parameter and factory parameter are written the right way as my controller method are not working anymore.
Is this the right way ?
Here is my controller:
facebookExample.controller('todoController', ['$scope', function($scope, PaypalService) {
// Initialize the todo list array
//if local storage is null save the todolist to local storage
$scope.todoList = [];
$scope.DoRequested = [];
scope.FundingProcess = [];
if (localStorage.getItem("mytodos") === null)
localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));
//set the todolist from local storage
$scope.todoList = angular.fromJson(localStorage.getItem("mytodos"));
// Add an item function
$scope.todoAdd = function(){
//check to see if text has been entered, if not exit
if ($scope.todoInput === null || $scope.todoInput === ''){ return; }
//if there is text add it to the array
todoAdmin:'' , doRequested: '', beingFunded: '',
adminAprovedRequest:false, currentFund: 0, userAproved: false, user_email:'' , userdidWork: "false", adminCheckedWork: "false",
//clear the textbox
$scope.todoInput = "";
//resave the list to localstorage
localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));
//Do button
$scope.do = function(x){
// Send email notifier to admin
type: “POST”,
url: 'https://mandrillapp.com/api/1.0/messages/send.json',
data: {
‘key’: ‘n3ZIdxXIRIZbvUWw6Z34wA’,
‘message’: {
‘from_email’: ‘noreply@you-serve.org’,
‘to’: [
‘type’: ‘to’
‘type’: ‘to’
‘autotext’: ‘true’,
‘html’: ‘<div!’
}).done(function(response) {
console.log(response); // if you're into that sorta thing
$scope.fund = function(x){
PaypalService.makePayment($scope.donationAmount, "Task Funding").then(
if(data.response.state === "approved"){
alert("Successful transaction !");
alert("Error !");
$scope.remove = function() {
//copy list
var oldList = $scope.todoList;
//clear list
$scope.todoList = [];
//cycle through list
angular.forEach(oldList, function(x) {
//add any non-done items to todo list
if (!x.done) $scope.todoList.push(x);
//update local storage
localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));
//The Update function
//This waits 100ms to store the data in local storage
$scope.update = function() {
//update local storage 100 ms after the checkbox is clicked to allow it to process
localStorage.setItem("mytodos", angular.toJson($scope.todoList));
And here is my factory:
facebookExample.factory('PaypalService', ['$q', '$ionicPlatform', 'shopSettings', '$filter', '$timeout', function ($q, $ionicPlatform, shopSettings, $filter, $timeout) {
var init_defer;
* Service object
* @type object
var service = {
initPaymentUI: initPaymentUI,
createPayment: createPayment,
configuration: configuration,
onPayPalMobileInit: onPayPalMobileInit,
makePayment: makePayment
* @ngdoc method
* @name initPaymentUI
* @methodOf app.PaypalService
* @description
* Inits the payapl ui with certain envs.
* @returns {object} Promise paypal ui init done
function initPaymentUI() {
init_defer = $q.defer();
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function () {
var clientIDs = {
"PayPalEnvironmentProduction": shopSettings.payPalProductionId,
"PayPalEnvironmentSandbox": shopSettings.payPalSandboxId
PayPalMobile.init(clientIDs, onPayPalMobileInit);
return init_defer.promise;
* @ngdoc method
* @name createPayment
* @methodOf app.PaypalService
* @param {string|number} total total sum. Pattern 12.23
* @param {string} name name of the item in paypal
* @description
* Creates a paypal payment object
* @returns {object} PayPalPaymentObject
function createPayment(total, name) {
// "Sale == > immediate payment
// "Auth" for payment authorization only, to be captured separately at a later time.
// "Order" for taking an order, with authorization and capture to be done separately at a later time.
var payment = new PayPalPayment("" + total, "EUR", "" + name, "Sale");
return payment;
* @ngdoc method
* @name configuration
* @methodOf app.PaypalService
* @description
* Helper to create a paypal configuration object
* @returns {object} PayPal configuration
function configuration() {
// for more options see `paypal-mobile-js-helper.js`
var config = new PayPalConfiguration({merchantName: shopSettings.payPalShopName, merchantPrivacyPolicyURL: shopSettings.payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL, merchantUserAgreementURL: shopSettings.payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL});
return config;
function onPayPalMobileInit() {
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function () {
// must be called
// use PayPalEnvironmentNoNetwork mode to get look and feel of the flow
PayPalMobile.prepareToRender(shopSettings.payPalEnv, configuration(), function () {
$timeout(function () {
* @ngdoc method
* @name makePayment
* @methodOf app.PaypalService
* @param {string|number} total total sum. Pattern 12.23
* @param {string} name name of the item in paypal
* @description
* Performs a paypal single payment
* @returns {object} Promise gets resolved on successful payment, rejected on error
function makePayment(total, name) {
var defer = $q.defer();
total = $filter('number')(total, 2);
$ionicPlatform.ready().then(function () {
PayPalMobile.renderSinglePaymentUI(createPayment(total, name), function (result) {
$timeout(function () {
}, function (error) {
$timeout(function () {
return defer.promise;
return service;
//To use this service
PaypalService.initPaymentUI().then(function () {
PaypalService.makePayment($scope.total(), "Total").then(...)
// shop settings
// include appConstant into your app.js
angular.module('appConstant', []).constant('shopSettings',{
payPalSandboxId : 'APP-80W284485P519543T',
payPalProductionId : 'production id here',
payPalEnv: 'PayPalEnvironmentSandbox', // for testing production for production
payPalShopName : 'You-Serve',
payPalMerchantPrivacyPolicyURL : 'http://you-serve.org',
payPalMerchantUserAgreementURL : 'http://you-serve.org'
Didn't read through all but the controller needs to be defined like this....
facebookExample.controller('todoController', ['$scope','PaypalService',
function($scope, PaypalService) {
//code to be executed.
This way if you minify your code Angular knows that its expecting the strings $scope and PaypalService within the definition of the controller. You can read more about defining controllers and injecting services at the following links.
Dependency Injection