Here I have this streambuf
, ostream
structure (modified from here, where I try to throw
from two points in the code. But I never can catch those exceptions in the main()
and the program exits normally. What's the reason for this?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <streambuf>
using namespace std;
class teebuf: public streambuf
teebuf(streambuf * sb1, streambuf * sb2)
: sb1(sb1) ,
{ }
virtual int overflow(int c) {
if (c == EOF)
return !EOF;
else {
//Throwing here
throw exception();
int const r1 = sb1->sputc(c);
int const r2 = sb2->sputc(c);
return r1 == EOF || r2 == EOF ? EOF : c;
virtual int sync() {
//Throwing here
throw exception();
int const r1 = sb1->pubsync();
int const r2 = sb2->pubsync();
return r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 ? 0 : -1;
streambuf * sb1;
streambuf * sb2;
class teestream : public ostream
teestream(ostream & o1, ostream & o2);
teebuf tbuf;
teestream::teestream(ostream & o1, ostream & o2)
: std::ostream(&tbuf) ,
tbuf(o1.rdbuf(), o2.rdbuf())
{ }
int main() {
ofstream log("hello-world.log");
teestream tee(cout, log);
try {
tee << "Hello, world!\n";
} catch(...) {
//Catching here
cerr << "Exception" << endl;
return 0;
The streams are set up by default to have an exeption mask catching everything. If you want to exceptions to propagate through the streams you'll need to set the exception mask to allow doing so.
Specifically you'll need to set std::ios_base::badbit
to get exceptions rethrown (after std::ios_base::badbit
is set on the stream):