i'm getting callbacks from facebook and response like this ;
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "2407411660blabla",
"time": 1450266812,
"changes": [
"field": "feed",
"value": {
"item": "comment",
"verb": "add",
"comment_id": "787904161316072_blabla",
"post_id": "240741166032377_blabla",
"parent_id": "240741166032377_blabla",
"sender_id": 1020447568blabla,
"created_time": 1450266812,
"message": "blalba lba lba bla",
"sender_name": "Mehmet Tubay Saban"
As you can see , there are two array in this json;
1- entry[]
2- changes[]
Sometimes "entry array" has 1 or more items and some times "changes array" has 1 or more items , what is different between entry and changes array of objects ?
It seems to be based on the "time" value. If several actions has the same "time" value they will appear in the changes[] array.