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How to call an anglesharp async method without AsyncEx library?

With AngleSharp, to load HTML page and wait until all stylesheets are downloaded (if required) and all scripts are ready to be parser executed, I do this

    public sealed class WebReader
        private IDocument _ashDocument;

        public async Task Load(string Url)
            var config = Configuration.Default.WithDefaultLoader().WithJavaScript().WithCss();
            var context = BrowsingContext.New(config);
            _ashDocument = await context.OpenAsync(Url);

        public IEnumerable<string> getImage()
            return  _ashDocument.QuerySelectorAll("img").Select(n => n.Attributes["src"].Value);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        WebReader wReader = new WebReader();           
        AsyncContext.Run((Action)(async () =>
            await wReader.Load("");
        IEnumerable<string> imageUrls = wReader.getImage();
        foreach (string url in imageUrls)


AsyncContext is a part of AsyncEx library.

Is it possible to do the same thing without AsyncEx library?


  • Is it possible to do the same thing without AsyncEx library?

    Not inside a console application. The whole point of AsyncContext is to allow you to await a method in Main, which itself isn't async (and can't be). The only alternative is to block the task. Additionaly, as @StephanCleary notes, the continuation inside the context will resume on a single thread, instead of an arbitrary thread pool thread.

    Without it, it would simply be:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        WebReader wReader = new WebReader();           
        IEnumerable<string> imageUrls = wReader.getImage();
        foreach (string url in imageUrls)

    There are rare cases when blocking with Task.Wait is ok, this is one of them.

    Side note - Async methods should be marked with the Async postfix, hence you should use LoadAsync. Also, .NET method naming conventions are Pascal case, not camel case.