No matter what git clone url I use, git always clones one of my old projects from bitbucket. For example when I do something like this:
git clone
instead of cloning from heroku, I get one of my projects (always the same project) from my bitbucket repository. I have tried to remove all the keys associated with the ssh, and create the new ones, but whatever I do the result is the same. Please help. Thank you Please let me know if I need to provide more information.
I had exactly the same problem. It didn't matter which repo I tried to clone, it always cloned the same repo each time. Even reinstalling git with purge and autoremove did not help.
Eventually I located my .gitconfig file in my home directory and found the following settings:
email = <my_email>
name = Tim Bushell
[remote "origin"]
url =<name_of_same_repo>.git
I edited this file to:
email = <my_email>
name = Tim Bushell
... and I was able to clone any repo once again.
I'm not clear how the .gitconfig gained this setting.