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Build a square adjacency matrix from data.frame or data.table

I am trying to build a square adjacency matrix from a data.table. Here is a reproducible example of what I already have :

# Build a mock data.table
dt <- data.table(Source=as.character(rep(letters[1:3],2)),Target=as.character(rep(letters[4:2],2)))
#   Source Target
#1:      a      d
#2:      b      c
#3:      c      b
#4:      a      d
#5:      b      c
#6:      c      b
sry <- ddply(dt, .(Source,Target), summarize, Frequency=length(Source))
#  Source Target Frequency
#1      a      d         2
#2      b      c         2
#3      c      b         2
mtx <- as.matrix(dcast(sry, Source ~ Target, value.var="Frequency", fill=0))
rownames(mtx) <- mtx[,1]
mtx <- mtx[,2:ncol(mtx)]
#  b   c   d
#a "0" "0" "2"
#b "0" "2" "0"
#c "2" "0" "0"

Now, this is very close to what I want to get, except that I would like to have all the nodes represented in both dimensions, like :

  a b c d
a 0 0 0 2
b 0 0 2 0
c 0 2 0 0
d 0 0 0 0

Note that I am working on quite large data, so I'd like to find an efficient solution for this.

Thank you for your help.


Given the quality of the solutions offered and the size of my dataset, I benchmarked all the solutions.

#The bench was made with a 1-million-row sample from my original dataset
aa <- fread("small2.csv",sep="^")
dt <- aa[,c(8,9),with=F]
colnames(dt) <- c("Source","Target")
#[1] 1000001       2
levs <- unique(unlist(dt, use.names=F))
#[1] 2222

Given this data, the desired output is a 2222*2222 matrix (2222*2223 solutions where the first column contains the row names are also obviously acceptable).

# Ananda Mahto's first solution
am1 <- function() {
    table(dt[, lapply(.SD, factor, levs)])
#[1] 2222 2222

# Ananda Mahto's second solution
am2 <- function() {
    as.matrix(dcast(dt[, lapply(.SD, factor, levs)], Source~Target, drop=F, value.var="Target", fun.aggregate=length))
#[1] 2222 2223

# Akrun's solution
akr <- function() {
    dt %>%
       mutate_each(funs(factor(., levs))) %>%
       group_by(Source, Target) %>%
       tally() %>%
       spread(Target, n, drop=FALSE, fill=0)
#[1] 2222 2223

# Carlos Cinelli's solution
cc <- function() {
    g <- graph_from_data_frame(dt)
#[1] 2222 2222

And the result of the benchmark is…

benchmark(am1(), am2(), akr(), cc(), replications=75)
#    test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
# 1 am1()           75  15.939    1.000    15.636    0.280          0         0
# 2 am2()           75 111.558    6.999   109.345    1.616          0         0
# 3 akr()           75  43.786    2.747    42.463    1.134          0         0
# 4  cc()           75  46.193    2.898    45.532    0.563          0         0


  • It sounds like you're just looking for table, but you should make sure that both columns have the same factor levels:

    levs <- unique(unlist(dt, use.names = FALSE))
    table(lapply(dt, factor, levs))
    #       Target
    # Source a b c d
    #      a 0 0 0 2
    #      b 0 0 2 0
    #      c 0 2 0 0
    #      d 0 0 0 0

    I don't know if it would offer any speed improvements, but you could also use dcast from "data.table":

    dcast(lapply(dt, factor, levs), Source ~ Target, drop = FALSE,
          value.var = "Target", fun.aggregate = length)