I'm trying to develop a Python based wrapper around the Xilinx ISE TCL shell xtclsh.exe
. If it works, I'll add support for other shells like PlanAhead or Vivado ...
So what's the big picture? I have a list of VHDL source files, which form an IP core. I would like to open an existing ISE project, search for missing VHDL files and add them if necessary. Because IP cores have overlapping file dependencies, it's possible that a project already contains some files, so I'm only looking for missing files.
The example user Python 3.x and subprocess
with pipes. The xtclsh.exe
is launched and commands are send line by line to the shell. The output is monitored for results. To ease the example, I redirected STDERR to STDOUT. A dummy output POC_BOUNDARY is inserted into the command stream, to indicate completed commands.
The attached example code can be tested by setting up an example ISE project, which has some VHDL source files.
My problem is that INFO, WARNING and ERROR messages are displayed, but the results from the TCL commands can not be read by the script.
Manually executing search *.vhdl -type file
in xtclsh.exe results in:
% search *.vhdl -type file
Executing the script results in:
press ENTER for the next step
sending 'search *.vhdl -type file'
output consumed until boundary string
Btw: The prompt sign %
is also not visible to my script.
Python code to reproduce the behavior:
import subprocess
class XilinxTCLShellProcess(object):
# executable = "sortnet_BitonicSort_tb.exe"
executable = r"C:\Xilinx\14.7\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64\xtclsh.exe"
boundarString = "POC_BOUNDARY"
boundarCommand = bytearray("puts {0}\n".format(boundarString), "ascii")
def create(self, arguments):
sysargs = []
self.proc = subprocess.Popen(sysargs, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
stdoutLine = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode()
if (self.boundarString in stdoutLine):
print("found boundary string")
def terminate(self):
def sendBoundardCommand(self):
def sendCommand(self, line):
command = bytearray("{0}\n".format(line), "ascii")
def sendLine(self, line):
stdoutLine = self.proc.stdout.readline().decode()
if (stdoutLine == ""):
print("reached EOF in stdout")
elif ("vhdl" in stdoutLine):
print("found a file name")
elif (self.boundarString in stdoutLine):
print("output consumed until boundary string")
def main():
print("creating 'XilinxTCLShellProcess' instance")
xtcl = XilinxTCLShellProcess()
print("launching process")
arguments = []
i = 1
while True:
print("press ENTER for the next step")
from msvcrt import getch
from time import sleep
sleep(0.1) # 0.1 seconds
key = ord(getch())
if key == 27: # ESC
print("sending 'exit'")
elif key == 13: # ENTER
if (i == 1):
#print("sending 'project new test.xise'")
#xtcl.sendLine("project new test.xise")
print("sending 'project open PoCTest.xise'")
xtcl.sendLine("project open PoCTest.xise")
i += 1
elif (i == 2):
print("sending 'lib_vhdl get PoC files'")
xtcl.sendLine("lib_vhdl get PoC files")
i += 1
elif (i == 3):
print("sending 'search *.vhdl -type file'")
xtcl.sendLine("search *.vhdl -type file")
i += 1
elif (i == 4):
print("sending 'xfile add ../../src/common/strings.vhdl -lib_vhdl PoC -view ALL'")
xtcl.sendLine("xfile add ../../src/common/strings.vhdl -lib_vhdl PoC -view ALL")
i += 16
elif (i == 20):
print("sending 'project close'")
xtcl.sendLine("project close")
i += 1
elif (i == 21):
print("sending 'exit'")
print("exit main()")
print("the end!")
# entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
I have tried several approaches on Linux, but it seemes that xtclsh detects whether standard input is connected to a pipe or a (pseudo) terminal. If it is connected to a pipe, xtclsh suppresses any output which would be normally written to standard output (prompt output, command results). I think, the same applies to Windows.
Messages (whether informative, warning or error) which are printed on standard error still go there even if the input is connected to a pipe.
To get the messages printed on standard output you can use the puts
tcl command which always prints on standard output. That is, puts [command]
takes the standard output of command
and prints it always to standard output.
Example: Let's assume we have a test.xise
project with two files: the top-level entity in test.vhd
and the testbench in test_tb.vhd
. And, we want to list all files in the project using this tcl script (commands.tcl
puts [project open test]
puts "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
puts [search *.vhd]
Then the call xtclsh < commands.tcl 2> error.log
prints this on standard output:
And this is printed on standard error (into file error.log
INFO:HDLCompiler:1061 - Parsing VHDL file "/home/zabel/tmp/test/test.vhd" into
library work
INFO:ProjectMgmt - Parsing design hierarchy completed successfully.