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Silverstripe 3.2 - How to manage different lists of the same Dataobjects in ModelAdmin in different tabs

I'd like to manage different filtered lists of the same DataObject in ModelAdmin. I have the DataObject "Message" which has a SentbyID and a SenttoID. In ModelAdmin I want to manage two lists. One list with all messages with a certain SentbyID and one list with messages with a certain SenttoID. Can I manage this two lists in different tabs, f.e. "Inbox" and "Outbox"? How can I do this?

I have this so far:

class MessageAdmin extends ModelAdmin {

    private static $menu_title = 'Messages';

    private static $url_segment = 'messages';

    private static $managed_models = array (

    public function getList() {
        $currMember = Member::currentUserID();
        $list = Message::get()->filter(array('SenttoID' => $currMember));
        return $list;



  • Overload getEditForm and define a new FieldList containing a TabSet. The SilverStripe Comments module provides a great example this in action, by showing different types of comments (Spam vs. Moderated) in separate tabs within the same ModelAdmin.

    Have a look at