I'm trying to get a RSS feed from Sotheby's website working on my site using a standard PHP reader function that uses simplexml_load_file and a loop but it doesn't work properly. When I plug in this code I get a 'Failed loading XML Start tag expected, '<' not found' error.'
$url = 'http://apps.shareholder.com/rss/rss.aspx?channels=2908&companyid=BID&sh_auth=1184301877%2E0%2E0%2E42356%2E14434fd9e3fcb0c832c884fe9ff36e31';
$sxe = simplexml_load_string($url);
if ($sxe === false) {
echo "Failed loading XML\n";
foreach(libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
echo "\t", $error->message;
I've tried using curl from this posting but it just prints an empty pre tag.
Here's the reader PHP code I was using...
$url = "http://apps.shareholder.com/rss/rss.aspx?channels=2908&companyid=BID&sh_auth=1184301877%2E0%2E0%2E42356%2E14434fd9e3fcb0c832c884fe9ff36e31";
$rss = simplexml_load_file($url);
$items = $rss->channel->item;
foreach($items as $item)
if($i==5) break;
$title = $item->title;
$link = $item->link;
$published_on = $item->pubDate;
$description = $item->description;?>
<div class="news-story">
echo '<h3><a href="'.$link.'">'.$title.'</a></h3>';
echo '<span class="news-date">('.$published_on.')</span>';
And here is the Sotheby's news RSS feed I was trying to pull from.
Any help or suggestions would be very helpful. Thanks!
Thanks The fourth bird for referring to this Stack question, it worked last night, but when I check today it stopped working...
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('header' => 'Accept: application/xml')));
$url = 'http://apps.shareholder.com/rss/rss.aspx?channels=2908&companyid=BID&sh_auth=1184301877%2E0%2E0%2E42356%2E14434fd9e3fcb0c832c884fe9ff36e31';
$xml = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
These are some of the errors I'm getting in my MAMP php_error.log:
[18-Dec-2015 07:46:41 America/New_York] PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): </html> in (*my site root folder)
[18-Dec-2015 07:46:41 America/New_York] PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): ^ in (*my site root folder)
[18-Dec-2015 07:46:41 America/New_York] PHP Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 85: parser error : Premature end of data in tag html line 2 in (*my site root folder)
And they basically repeat.
In the first code block you provided, you are using simplexml_load_string.
The manual describes the first parameter as:
A well-formed XML string
In you code you are passing a url. If you want to use simplexml_load_string
, the answer to this question might help you:
Using SimpleXML to load remote URL
In the second code block you provided, you use simplexml_load_file
The manual describes the first parameter as:
Path to the XML file
If I try the code in the second code block it is showing me the data from RSS Feed, it only gives me this PHP Notice:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: i