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dnu restore from from Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 RC

Whenever I modify packages through the project.json file my references area says "Errors - see Error List". The error list will say "Dependencies in project.json were modified. Please run "dnu restore" to generate a new lock file.

In there a way to do this from within Visual Studio? I am having to load the Developer Command Prompt for 2015 and cd to the project directory and run the command through there,

If I right click on the references and select "Restore Packages" (which sounds like it should do it) it just says the above "see Error List".


  • The blog post where I downloaded stated that the Tooling would be automatically installed when installed Update 1, this however had not happened and I had to manually download the ASPNET 5 tooling and install it. Then it managed to resolve from the menu and building the project actually worked. I was updating from Beta5 to RC1.