I made a simple http proxy, it's work fine, but not fast, because in the function handle_request, I use
my $tx = $ua->start( Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new(req=>$request) );
to do the request, it's blocking.
I try to use a callback like:
$ua->start( Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new(req=>$request) )=>sub{ ... }
to make it's non-blocking, and then, got a mistake:
'error' => { 'message' => 'Premature connection close'}
I guess that's because function handle_request
return immediately, it does not wait the callback to be finished. If I use semaphore to wait the callback, that's mean it's blocking again.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Mojo::IOLoop::Server;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Mojo::Message::Response;
use Mojo::Message::Request;
use Mojo::Transaction::HTTP;
use Data::Dumper;
binmode STDOUT, ":encoding(UTF-8)";
my %buffer;
Mojo::IOLoop->server( {port => 3128} => sub {
my ($loop, $stream, $client) = @_;
read => sub {
my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
my $buffer = $buffer{$client}{read_buffer} .= $chunk;
if ($buffer =~ /^GET\s+|POST\s+|HEAD\s+(.*)\r\n\r\n$/i) {
$buffer{$client}{read_buffer} = '';
elsif ($buffer =~ /^CONNECT\s+(.*)\r\n\r\n$/i) {
$buffer{$client}{read_buffer} = '';
$buffer{$client}{read_buffer} = '';
if(length($buffer)>= 20 *1024 * 1024) {
delete $buffer{$client};
sub handle_request{
my($client,$stream,$chunk) = @_;
my $request = Mojo::Message::Request->new;
$request = $request->parse($chunk);
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $tx = $ua->start( Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new(req=>$request) );
$stream->write( $tx->res->to_string );
sub handle_connect{
my ($stream, $chunk) = @_;
my $request = Mojo::Message::Request->new;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
$request = $request->parse($chunk);
print Dumper($request);
Hope to get some suggestions .
You have 2 problem:
when your code have blocking style. Function handle_request
must have callback as parameter.
If you have chain of callback then the best way to implement it is to use Mojo::IOLoop::Delay
then your variable is destoyed by garbage collector because first execute exit of sub handle_request
and $ua destroyed, because it is local variable and then get answer from $ua. So you get Premature connection close
. You need to save instance of $ua elsewhere to prevent such error.Upd.
I write bad variant of http/https proxy which work only via CONNECT method and have bug with not full first http message.
I add another example of http/https proxy which correctly read first http message and work not only via CONNECT method.
Oh, author of the Mojo wrote example of https proxy