I am failing terribly to return a Hash of the Parsed XML document using twig - in order to use it in OTHER subs for performing several validation checks. The goal is to do abstraction and create re-usable blocks of code.
XML Block:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Accounts locale="en_US">
<CreationDate year="2011" month="8" month-name="fevrier" day-of-month="19" hour-of-day="15" minute="23" day-name="dimanche"/>
<LastLoginDate year="2015" month="04" month-name="avril" day-of-month="22" hour-of-day="11" minute="13" day-name="macredi"/>
<SubscriptionExpiration year="1980" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="0" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
<Group>werkgroep X.Y.Z.</Group>
<LastSynchroDate year="2003" month="12" month-name="decembre" day-of-month="5" hour-of-day="12" minute="48" day-name="mardi"/>
<CreationDate year="2012" month="10" month-name="octobre" day-of-month="10" hour-of-day="10" minute="18" day-name="jeudi"/>
<SubscriptionExpiration year="1970" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="1" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
<LastSynchroDate year="1970" month="1" month-name="janvier" day-of-month="1" hour-of-day="1" minute="0" day-name="jeudi"/>
Perl Block:
my $file = shift || (print "NOTE: \tYou didn't provide the name of the file to be checked.\n" and exit);
my $twig = XML::Twig -> new ( twig_roots => { 'Account' => \& parsing } ); #'twig_roots' mode builds only the required sub-trees from the document while ignoring everything outside that twig.
$twig -> parsefile ($file);
sub parsing {
my ( $twig, $accounts ) = @_;
my %hash = @_;
my $ref = \%hash; #because was getting an error of Odd number of hash elements
return $ref;
$twig -> purge;
It gives a hash reference - which I'm unable to deference properly (even after doing thousands of attempts).
Again - just need a single clean function (sub) for doing the Parsing and returning the hash of all elements ('Accounts' in this case) - to be used in other other function (valid_sub) for performing the validation checks.
I'm literally stuck at this point - and will HIGHLY appreciate your HELP.
Such a hash is not created by Twig, you have to create it yourself.
Beware: Commands after return
will never be reached.
use warnings;
use strict;
use XML::Twig;
use Data::Dumper;
my $twig = 'XML::Twig'->new(twig_roots => { Account => \&account });
sub account {
my ($twig, $account) = @_;
my %hash;
for my $ch ($account->children) {
if (my $text = $ch->text) {
$hash{ $ch->name } = $text;
} else {
for my $attr (keys %{ $ch->atts }) {
$hash{ $ch->name }{$attr} = $ch->atts->{$attr};
print Dumper \%hash;
$twig -> purge;
Handling of nested elements (e.g. GroupMemberships
) left as an exercise to the reader.
And for validation:
sub validate {
my $account = shift;
if ('abcd' eq $account->{Id}) {