I imported a PNG file into Visual Studio 2013. A MIME mail library we're using adds visuals to HTML mail with a function that expects a byte array parameter. How to get the object returned by ResourceManager into a byte array?
ResourceManager rm;
rm = new ResourceManager("Foo.Properties.Resources", typeof(MYFORM).Assembly);
var obj = rm.GetObject("Logo");
When I try to use the .GetStream
method, error says the object is not a stream, and to use .GetObject
The GetObject will return a System.Drawing.Image object if the file is an Image
Image img = (Image)rm.GetObject("Logo")
With the Image object you can directly save it to any System.IO.Stream object
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
img.Save(stream, ImageFormat.Png);
Now you can make a copy of the bytes with the Stream.ToArray
byte[] bytes = stream.ToArray();
Or save it directly to a file
img.Save(Application.StartupPath + "/testImage.jpg")
Dont forget to close any used stream