I'm trying to send emails when a user locks/unlocks elements in a SVN repository through a hook using the Apache Mailer script (mailer.py). When the suitable hook is executed I'm obtaining the following error:
You need version 1.5.0 or better of the Subversion Python bindings.
I have installed the following tools:
Furthermore, I have Subversion 1.8.13 source code available.
The suitable hook (post-lock.cmd) has the following unique line:
<pythonHome>python.exe <repositoryHooks>mailer.py "%1" "%2" <repositoryHooks>mailer.conf
I've configured the PYTHONPATH as:
All the above configuration provokes the mentioned error.
Any idea of where I could obtain the 1.5.0 Python Subversion bindings and how I could configure them to allow the mailer script execution without errors?
Thank you so much in advance.
VisualSVN Server installs Subversion bindings for Python 2.7 starting from version 3.2.0 [1]. So you need just install Python 2.7 of the same bitness as VisualSVN Server and run mailer.py. You should not configure PYTHONHOME environment variable, because VisualSVN Server registers PythonPackages
directory via registry.
VisualSVN Server doesn't provide bindings for Python 3.5.x at this time.