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Using foreach to add AD computers to groups

This may be the wrong approach, but I have used the last couple of days experimenting with the foreach in PowerShell (I use Ver. 5 of PowerShell).

What I am looking for is a way to add a list of computers that I already have into a list of AD groups that I already have. So I used Get-Content for importing the 2 .txt files, and I also learned that AD groups in PowerShell uses -Identity instead of name I don't know the reason for that decision. But nevertheless I came up with this:

$Apps = Get-Content C:\Scripts\Apps.txt
$Computers = Get-Content C:\Scripts\Computers.txt
foreach ($App in $Apps) {
  Add-ADGroupMember $Apps -Identity $Computers

My problem is that it works of I only have 1 AD group in the Apps.txt file. If I add more groups PowerShell goes all red on me, and then my computer starts crying.

In Computers.txt I have listed the computer accounts with a $ at the end, and they are on seperate lines, like this:


In Apps.txt the AD groups are on seperated lines without any commas or semmicolons or anything.


  • Change $Apps to $App in the line Add-ADGroupMember $Apps -Identity $Computers and also the -Identity parameter is the AD Group name. You also will need to use the -Members parameter for the users. E.g.

    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $App -Members $Computers