I'm developing a native iOS MobileFirst application in XCode 7 (Swift) and MobileFirst 7.0.
I want to use MobileFirst Operational Analytics and I'm following this guidelines:
I have some questions:
The sessions should be automatically recorded but it is not being the case of the application. I just see the data for 1 device as connected when more devices have connected the last 24 hours. How can I enable this feature? or it should be automatic with the equivalent of WL.Connect() in native iOS?
The adapter calls should be automatic too but can be just be visualized under the tab: Network->Adapters Overview-> Adapter Request & Network->Adapters Overview-> Adapter Request but I can't see the pie charts generated: Calls Per Application Procedure Calls, Calls Per Server. They only show as http requests. How can this charts be generated too?
I will like to do custom charts and make use of the WL.Analytics.log(), WL.Analytics.send(), etc. How are this calls translated to swift? I only see this fro Hybrid apps, is there any documentation about this?
Answering 1)
I realized that I wasn't connecting successfully to the MobileFirst server. Once I successfully connect the sessions were recorded automatically by the the MobileFirst Operatinal Analytics tool. The code is:
let connectListener = MyConnectListener()
Answering 2)
When invoking the adapters in this way, the Mobilefirst Operational Analytics does not collect the information for the pie charts, it registers this calls as http calls:
let request = WLResourceRequest(URL: NSURL!, method: String!)
You have to invoke the adapters like this so that the pie charts are automatically generated:
let myInvocationData = WLProcedureInvocationData(adapterName: String!, procedureName: String!)
Answering 3)
Using the following code in swift analytics were successfully send to the server.
let doAnaylitics = WLAnalytics.sharedInstance()
doAnaylitics.log("type", withMetadata:["location":location])