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Setting Current User Location for locationpicker.jquery.js

I am using locationpicker.jquery.js and im trying to supply the variables for longitude and latitude before it loads so that the user can load from his or her specific location.

      location: {
          latitude: 10.621760,
          longitude: 121.107015
      radius: 10,
      inputBinding: {
          latitudeInput: $('.map-lat'),
          longitudeInput: $('.map-lon'),
          radiusInput: $('.map-radius'),
          locationNameInput: $('.map-address'),
          scrollwheel: true
      enableReverseGeocode: true

  $( document ).ready(function() {
      function showPosition(position) {

I have tried putting jquery selectors and putting them into the variables for latitude and longitude. I have tried setting a hidden input field and passing these to latitude and longitude; but they just fail. Is there something I can do to make locationpicker load at the user's location? latitude and longitude does not seem to accept any other types of variables other than numbers.


  • I think the issue you're having is that getCurrentLocation is an asynchronous process. This means that you need to load the map after that process has completed.

    $( document ).ready(function() {
      function showPosition(position) {
          var lat = position.coords.latitude;
          var lng = position.coords.longitude;
          buildMap(lat, lng);

    Pass in the lat and lng arguments and convert them to a floating-point number (+lat...), otherwise use the defaults.

    function buildMap(lat, lng) {
        location: {
          latitude: +lat || 10.621760,
          longitude: +lng || 121.107015
        radius: 10,