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Match column names with records in text file Using UFT/QTP

I have this table of info in text file:

CurrentOdometerReading PreviousOdometerReading GallonsOfGas GasPrice  MPG     TotalCost 
500                    200                     15           2.55      20      $38.25
600                    350                     18           2.55      13.89   $45.90
700                    510                     17           2.55      11.18   $43.35 
800                    443                     9            2.55      39.67   $22.95 
950                    801                     8            2.55      18.63   $20.40 
10000                  8043                    99           2.55      19.77   $252.45 
11000                  5004                    150          2.55      39.97   $382.50 

The first line actually contains the column names.The next lines represent the data matching to the column name. I am having really hard time to print(loop) this data in below manner in UFT/QTP:

  • CurrentOdometerReading = 500
  • PreviousOdometerReading = 200
  • Gallons = 15
  • GasPrice = 2.55
  • MPG = 20
  • TotalCost = 38.25

If anyone had similar experience, I would REALLY appreciate your opinions. So far I wrote this:

Set Fso=createobject ("scripting.filesystemobject")

set txtfile=fso.OpenTextFile filepath


numarray= ubound(var1)
 For i = 0 To numarray

content=split(var1(i)," ")

print content(i)

'For Iterator = 1 To numlinearr
'bol=split(content(Iterator)," ")
'print content(i)&" = "& bol(Iterator)



  • Seems you have a nice beginning. Though what you miss is an specific array for your data definition. And it's better not to keep the same variable name for different uses(as you do with Var1)

    Something like :

    fileFull = txtFile.ReadAll
    fileLines = Split(fileFull, vblf)
    fileDataNames = Split(fileLines(0), " ")
    numArray = UBound(fileLines)
    numData = UBound(fileDataNames)
    For LineNumber = 1 To numArray
        content = ""
        localDatas = Split(fileLines, " ")
        For dataNumber = 0 to numData
            content = content & fileDataNames(dataNumber) & " = " & localDatas(dataNumber)
        Print content

    The base idea is to store the first line elsewhere, as you're going to use it several times. That's why the first loop starts from 1, and not from 0(the base for any tabled created by the split function) : the line zero is something else.