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How to implement properly an inline function in the device that returns a vector to another device function?

I want to implement properly an inlined device function that fill out a vector of dynamic size and return the filled vector like:

__device__  inline   thrust::device_vector<double> make_array(double zeta, int l)
  thrust::device_vector<double> ret;
  int N =(int)(5*l+zeta); //the size of the array  will depend on l and zeta, in a complex way...
  // Make sure of sufficient memory allocation
  // Resize array
  //fill it:
  //for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
  // ...;
  return ret;

My goal is to use the content of the returned vector in another device function like:

__device__  inline double use_array(double zeta,int l)
  thrust::device_vector<double> array = make_array(zeta, l);

  double result = 0;

  for(int i=0; i<array.size(); i++)
    result += array[i];

  return result;

How can I do it properly? my feeling is that a thrust vector is designed for this type of task, but I want to do it properly. What is the standard CUDA approach to this task?


  • thrust::device_vector is not usable in device code.

    However you can return a pointer to a dynamically allocated area, like so:

    #include <assert.h>
    template <typename T>
    __device__  T* make_array(T zeta, int l)
      int N =(int)(5*l+zeta); //the size of the array  will depend on l and zeta, in a complex way...
      T *ret = (T *)malloc(N*sizeof(T));
      assert(ret != NULL);  // error checking
      //fill it:
      //for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
      // ret[i] = ...;
      return ret;

    The inline keyword should not be necessary. The compiler will aggressively inline functions wherever possible.