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Including kafka maven bound to result in convergence errors

I'm developing a java-based app which produces/consumes kafka messages. In my pom I have:


I'm also using a maven enforcer plugin. In eclipse, which does not appear to be invoking the enforcer plugin, the program builds and runs fine. Outside eclipse, when I do 'mvn clean package' the enforcer throws a convergence error:

Dependency convergence error for org.apache.zookeeper:zookeeper:3.4.6 paths to dependency are:

What's the recommended way to deal with this? If course, I could exclude the transitive zookeeper dependency and add it explicitly but seems strange that I would not be able to build a kafka project without resorting to this. Typically you'd exclude the transitive dependencies when they come in different versions from different top-level dependencies. Here - I'm having a problem with one and only one top-level dependency, kafka.


  • Kafka build clearly doesn't run with an enforcer, so we accidentally pull in the same dependency twice with different versions.

    My suggestion:

    1. Use Exclude to resolve this in your own project
    2. Open a ticket for Apache Kafka ( and explain the problem. Perhaps you can even contribute a pull request that fixes the issue (