Id like to pass the value of the data-ng-options
to the ng-model
but get the label of the value to display on the span as below , How would i go about it ?
<tr ng-repeat="choice in vm.choices">
<span>@{{choice.department }}</span>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<select data-ng-options=
'd.value as d.label for d in vm.departments' ng-model="choice.department">
vm.departments = [
{value:0, label:'DENTAL'},
{value:1, label:'PYCHOLOGY'}
id like the label ie 'DENTAL' to display on the span
but pass the value ie 0
to the ng-model
Storing the value only in the ng-model
makes no sense. Storing the object is the standard method when dealing with an array of objects in a dropdown.
Consider the following:
<span>@{{choice.department.value }}</span>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group">
<select data-ng-options='d.label for d in vm.departments'
You have access to all the properties of the object to use for whatever you need.
The difference here is in the way that the ng-options is structured. By not supplying an as
clause, the entire object is assigned to the ng-model
parameter, instead of a specific property from the object.