I am trying install wxhaskell on ubuntu (and I have already installed wxwidget and it works well in codeblock)
I run cabal install wxc
in terminal
and here is output
Could not find module Distribution.Compat.Exception
It is a member of the hidden package Cabal-
it is a hidden module in the package Cabal-1.16.0
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
Failed to install wxc-
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
wxc- failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
actually, I can find Distribution.Compat.Exception
and I tried sudo ghc-pkg expose Cabal-1.16.0
sudo ghc-pkg expose Cabal-
but nothing changed
someone help me out, great thanks!
If you are using ubuntu I think I have a solution. If you install GHC in ubuntu via "apt-get install ghc", all ghc packages are installed in /usr/lib/ghc/xyz. If you have installed ghc manually, not with a package manager, I don't know a solution.
Try this:
sudo cabal install cabal-install --global
Then do all the wxHaskell specific cabal installs the same way. So:
sudo cabal install wxdirect --global
sudo cabal install wxc --global
If this doesn't work, try this:
rm -rf ~/.ghc