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Calling LISP command from AutoCAD .NET Editor.CommandAsync

I am attempting to call an inbuilt AutoCad Electrical LISP command "c:wd_insym2" from .NET. I have recently installed AutoCad 2016 which now has the Editor.Command and Editor.CommandAsync functions, however all the help/forum posts that I can find refer to using it to call AutoCad commands such as LINE, CIRCLE etc. I want to call a lisp command, such as:

(c:wd_insym2 "HPB11.dwg" (list 0 0) 1.0 nil)

which inserts a pushbutton symbol at 0, 0.

Here's what I've got (I have been using CommandAsync because I have had trouble sending that command synchronously using Application.Invoke before: AutoCad Command Rejected "Undo" when using Application.Invoke()

<CommandMethod("SendCmdAsync", CommandFlags.Modal)>
Async Sub SendCmdAsync()
    Dim doc As Document = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
    Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
    Dim cmd As String = "(c:wd_insym2 " & ControlChars.Quote & "HPB11.dwg" & ControlChars.Quote & " (list 0 0) nil nil)"
    ed.WriteMessage(vbNewLine & "Trying to execute: <" & cmd & ">" & vbNewLine)
    Await ed.CommandAsync(cmd)
    ed.WriteMessage(vbNewLine & "Done.")
End Sub

When I run it it says 'LISP command not available'.

Is what I'm doing possible, and if so, what am I doing wrong?


  • I sort of solved the issue - evidently you can't use Command and CommandAsync to run Lisp commands - they're only for AutoCAD commands.

    The best way of doing this is Application.Invoke:

    Although, with my specific Electrical command (c:wd_insym2), when I try this technique in AutoCAD 2014, it gives me an error 'AutoCAD command rejected UNDO'. However, I have just noticed that in AutoCAD 2016 it works fine - I guess they've changed the API somewhere along the line.