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Java: How do I override a method of a class dynamically (class is eventually NOT in classpath)?

How do I call a method of a class dynamically + conditionally?
(Class is eventually not in classpath)

Let's say, I need the class NimbusLookAndFeel, but on some systems it's not available (i.e. OpenJDK-6).

So I must be able to:

  • Get to know it that class is available (at runtime),
  • If it's not the case, skip the whole thing.
  • How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
    (thus creating an anonymous inner sub-class of it)?

Code example

public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
    throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {

  // NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
  UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {

    public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
      UIDefaults ret = super.getDefaults();
      return ret;


Now I edited my code, as it was suggested, to intercept NoClassDefFoundError using try-catch. It fails. I don't know, if it's OpenJDK's fault. I get InvocationTargetException, caused by NoClassDefFoundError. Funny, that I can't catch InvocationTargetException: It's thrown anyway.

Cause found: I was wrapping SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(...) around the tested method, and that very invokeAndWait call throws NoClassDefFoundError when loading Nimbus fails.

Can anyone please clarify where NoClassDefFoundError can occur at all? Because it seems that it's always the calling method, not the actual method which uses the non-existing class.


  • Get to know it that class is available (at runtime)
    Put the usage in a try block ...

    If it's not the case, skip the whole thing
    ... and leave the catch block empty (code smell?!).

    How do I manage to override a method of a dynamically-loaded class
    Just do it and make sure the compile-time dependency is satisfied. You are mixing things up here. Overriding takes place at compile time while class loading is a runtime thing.

    For completeness, every class you write is dynamically loaded by the runtime environment when it is required.

    So your code may look like:

    public static void setNimbusUI(final IMethod<UIDefaults> method)
        throws UnsupportedLookAndFeelException {
        try {
            // NimbusLookAndFeel may be now available
            UIManager.setLookAndFeel(new NimbusLookAndFeel() {
                public UIDefaults getDefaults() {
                    final UIDefaults defaults = super.getDefaults();
                    return defaults;
       } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
           throw new UnsupportedLookAndFeelException(e);