I have the following batch code that currently unzips files using 7Zip:
for /R "%zipFilePath%" %%I in ("*.zip") do (
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -y -o"%%~dpI" "%%~fI"
However, I now need to unzip password protected files and I'm not sure where to pass a variable password into the current code.
I think based on www.7Zip.org, I'd have to do something:
where PASSWORD is the password. But I've tried a few different locations in my code for the -p, but can't get it to execute properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Solved it!
To make it easy to see where the password goes, I've made it a variable.
@echo off
set yourZipPassword=[ENTER YOUR PASSWORD HERE]
set yourFolderPath=[ENTER YOUR PATH HERE]
for /R "%yourFolderPath%" %%I in ("*.zip") do (
"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x -p%yourZipPassword% -y -o"%%~dpI" "%%~fI"