Say I have a simple table in postgres as the following:
| Car | Pet | Name |
| BMW | Dog | Sam |
| Honda | Cat | Mary |
| Toyota | Dog | Sam |
| ... | ... | ... |
I would like to run a sql query that could return the column name in the first column and unique values in the second column. For example:
| Col | Vals |
| Car | BMW |
| Car | Toyota |
| Car | Honda |
| Pet | Dog |
| Pet | Cat |
| Name | Sam |
| Name | Mary |
| ... | ... |
-- Query 4b. (104 ms, 128 ms)
select distinct unnest( array_agg(a)||
array_agg(d) )
from t ;
But I don't understand the code well enough to know how to append the column name into another column.
I also found a query that can return the column names in a table. Maybe a sub-query of this in combination with the "Query 4b" shown above?
SELECT distinct
unnest(array['car', 'pet', 'name']) AS col,
unnest(array[car, pet, name]) AS vals
order by col