Here is my issue: I have a user-specified number of data sets that I want to plot on a clustered column graph. I am creating the chart in visual basic and I am adding the data sets as separate series, so that they are distinguishable by color and have different titles on the legend:
ActiveWorkbook.Charts.Add 'all of this just adds a new chart
With ActiveChart
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = "Ordered Distribution Graph"
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Item"
.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).CategoryType = xlCategoryScale
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Total"
.Legend.Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
End With
ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Distribution Chart"
For j = 0 To UBound(chartLabels) 'here is where I handle the data based on global variables
If IsEmpty(chartLabels(j)) Then Exit For
Erase xval
Erase yval
ReDim Preserve xval(0 To 0)
ReDim Preserve yval(0 To 0)
xval(0) = chartData(0, j, 0)
yval(0) = chartData(2, j, 0)
For i = 0 To UBound(chartData, 3) - 1
If Not IsEmpty(chartData(2, j, i + 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve xval(0 To i + 1)
ReDim Preserve yval(0 To i + 1)
xval(i + 1) = chartData(0, j, i + 1)
yval(i + 1) = chartData(2, j, i + 1)
End If
Call bubblesortData(j, UBound(xval)) 'separate sort function
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 'plots each series
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(j + 1).XValues = xval
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(j + 1).Values = yval
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(j + 1).Name = main.chartLabels(j)
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).GapWidth = 10
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).Overlap = -10
Currently, each set of data is sorted using the bubblesortData(setNumber, numberOfDataPoints) subroutine (xval and yval are global arrays):
Sub bubblesortLosses(b As Variant, tot As Variant)
Dim changed As Integer, temp As Variant
changed = 0
For i = 0 To tot - 1
If Not IsEmpty(xval(i)) Then
If yval(i) > yval(i + 1) Then
temp = xval(i)
xval(i) = xval(i + 1)
xval(i + 1) = temp
temp = yval(i)
yval(i) = yval(i + 1)
yval(i + 1) = temp
changed = 1
End If
End If
Loop Until changed = 0
End Sub
This is working fine, but results in something like this:
Each set is ordered due to my sort, but I would like all of the data to be sorted based on y-axis value. I cannot think of a way to accomplish this while also keeping the data separated by series. Is there a way to display x-axis values based on corresponding y-axis value and not based on series position??
After a lot of searching, I found a combination of solutions that worked for me, mostly drawing information from this link:
...As well as from a variety of StackOverflow posts indicating that doing this is impossible programmatically and must be done through the worksheet, which has worked for me. I filled in worksheet cells like was done in the above link, except with visual basic. Then, after the data was graphed, I hid the worksheet. This works for me because the worksheets are cleared every time the user starts over with a new data set. Here is my code:
Sub Distribution()
Dim runningTotal, seriesNumber, sheetName
seriesNumber = 1
runningTotal = 2
currDist = currDist + 1
sheetName = "DistData" + CStr(currDist)
ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.count)
ActiveSheet.Name = sheetName
ActiveSheet.Visible = True
For j = 0 To UBound(chartLabels)
If IsEmpty(chartLabels(j)) Then Exit For
Erase xval
Erase yval
ReDim Preserve xval(0 To 0)
ReDim Preserve yval(0 To 0)
xval(0) = chartData(0, j, 0)
yval(0) = chartData(2, j, 0)
For i = 0 To UBound(chartData, 3) - 1
If Not IsEmpty(chartData(2, j, i + 1)) Then
ReDim Preserve xval(0 To i + 1)
ReDim Preserve yval(0 To i + 1)
xval(i + 1) = chartData(0, j, i + 1)
yval(i + 1) = chartData(2, j, i + 1)
End If
Call bubblesortLosses(j, UBound(xval))
Cells(1, seriesNumber + 2) = chartLabels(j)
Cells(runningTotal, 1) = chartLabels(j)
For k = 0 To UBound(xval)
Cells(runningTotal, 2) = xval(k)
Cells(runningTotal, seriesNumber + 2) = yval(k)
runningTotal = runningTotal + 1
seriesNumber = seriesNumber + 1
With ActiveChart
.ChartType = xlColumnStacked
.HasTitle = True
.ChartTitle.Text = "Ordered Distribution Graph"
.Axes(xlCategory).TickLabels.MultiLevel = True
.Axes(xlCategory).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlCategory).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Item"
.Axes(xlCategory).CategoryType = xlCategoryScale
.Axes(xlValue).HasTitle = True
.Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = "Total"
.Legend.Position = xlLegendPositionBottom
End With
ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "Distribution " + CStr(currDist)
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).GapWidth = 10
ActiveChart.ChartGroups(1).Overlap = 100
Sheets(sheetName).Visible = False
End Sub
The bubblesort subroutine is the same as was used in the question. The final result for one of my test runs is here:
Item number is listed, but the category labels are cut out of the picture due to confidentiality. They would read similar to "Series 1", "Series 2", and "Series 3"