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Apache POI - Change row's cell format from String to Other

Hi I'm using Apache POI in Java to read from an input txt file and paste onto xls sheet.

I pass each line from the input txt file as string to paste onto the sheet, however, all of my numbers/date fields are pasted as strings and I am struggling to change to relevant number/date format.

Below is what I am using to read my input:

              LinkedList<String[]> text_lines = new LinkedList<>();
              try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:/input.txt"))) {
                  String sCurrentLine;
                  while ((sCurrentLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
                  } catch (IOException e) {

Below is what I am using to paste:

         for(String[] line : text_lines){
            Row row = worksheet.createRow(row_num++);
            int cell_num = 0;
            for(String value : line){
                 Cell cell = row.createCell(cell_num++);

And the below is what I have tried to change a particular cell to number format instead of string but does not work and the format of the cell is still as a string when my xls is produced

        String formatStr = "#,##0";
        HSSFCellStyle commaNumber = output.createCellStyle();
        HSSFDataFormat format = output.createDataFormat();


Please can anyone help? Thanks!


  • This code should work if you can make sure that "value" contains a valid parseable String:

    for(String value : line)
        Cell cell = row.createCell(cell_num++);
        cell.setCellValue(new Double(value));

    EDIT As you said your values are not always parsable, you can do this "trick".

    Please note: Quick hack! You should not use Exceptions for flow control!

    You can try to parse the double and if you not succeed => set the String value.

    for(String value : line)
        Cell cell = row.createCell(cell_num++);
            cell.setCellValue(new Double(value));
        catch(Exception ex)