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How do you exclude @skips from Serenity reports while running JBehave tests?

So we have tests that look like this:

Scenario: XXX- 9056: Change password to special characters
@ticket #5732
Given a customer with the following properties:...

we put the @skip there whenever we are still working on it or we know it will not work properly.

We want to get Serenity reports, but we don't want it to include skipped stories. How can we exclude them from being reported?


  • We found our issue was that in the Scenario line some of our test cases looked like

    Scenario: XXX-#9056: Change password to special characters

    Instead of

    Scenario: XXX- 9056: Change password to special characters

    So having the pound symbol(#) on the line with Scenario was messing it up. It doesn't matter if it is under the meta tag. Now none of the skipped test are showing in the report.