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Server-side debugging not working [Meteor 1.2]

Before I get into the details, please note:

  1. I'm using Meteor 1.2 and the latest version of WebStorm 11.
  2. Client-side debugging works fine, at least using the Chrome Web Inspector, client-side logging is shown in the console.

My issue is I can’t get server-side debugging to work. I’ve now tried all of the following to no avail:

  1. Running meteor debug and launching Node Inspector (it hooks into my Meteor instance but doesn’t log anything server side or hit any breakpoints I've set using debugging; statements in the code, code execution was not suspended)
  2. Launching Meteor from WebStorm, putting console.log() statements all over the place. Nothing would get printed, breakpoints wouldn’t be hit
  3. Running meteor shell and trying to see logging there
  4. Using Atom IDE instead, however this is not suitable for me because of a company proxy which the Atom plugin manager isn't able to circumvent (doesn't route proxy info).


  • WS 11.0.2 definitely broke this. Although not listed on JetBrains' website, typing in the download executable URL for WS 11.0.1 by hand ( allowed me to get back to the previous minor version. After installing 11.0.1, I am able to debug my code in the WebStorm IDE, set and hit breakpoints and see server-side logging.