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Want Groovy MarkupBuilder() Equivalent to JSONBuilder() for Objects

Goal: Given the myInfoObject definition below, I wish to be able to do this:

println new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(myInfoObject).toPrettyString()

The following is one of the most amazing and convenient features of Groovy for my use cases: Brilliant dynamic serializing of complex nested objects into sensible JSON. Just pass the object, and get the JSON.

Example - A simple Map within a Map

import groovy.json.*

def myInfoMap = [
    firstname : 'firstname',
    lastname : 'lastname',
    relatives : [
        mother : "mom",
        father : "dad"
myInfoJson = new JsonBuilder(myInfoMap)

//One line, straight to JSON object, no string writer/parser conversions
//Works on any object, extremely elegant, even handles deep nesting
//Alternatively, add .toPrettyString() for the string representation


    "firstname": "firstname",
    "lastname": "lastname",
    "relatives": {
        "mother": "mom",
        "father": "dad"

I have read through all the MarkupBuilder examples and docs I could find, and there does not seem to be any equivalent for XML. Here is the closest I could find, it is not nearly the same.

XML and JSON are fundamentally different, but it's still common for objects to be represented by XML in a similar fashion. An XML equivalent would require at least one optional parameter specifying how the data should be represented, but I think a sensible default would be something like:


...Which has to be built manually with intimate knowledge of the structure like so...

def writer = new StringWriter()
def builder = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)

builder.myInfoMap {
    myInfoMap.each{key, value ->
        if (value instanceof Map){
                value.each{key2, value2 ->
                        "${key2}" "${value2}"
            "${key}" "${value}"
println writer.toString()

I even tried to be clever and make it a bit dynamic, but you can see how far from the JSONBuilder example it is, even in a simple case.

If this is currently impossible and not on anybody's radar, I will submit my first JIRA ticket to the Groovy project as a feature request. Just want to be sure before I do. Please just comment if you think this is the next step.


  • Try grails.converters.XML. In your case:

    def myInfoMap = [
            firstname: 'firstname',
            lastname : 'lastname',
            relatives: [
                    mother: "mom",
                    father: "dad"
    println new grails.converters.XML(myInfoMap)

    would result in:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <entry key="firstname">firstname</entry>
        <entry key="lastname">lastname</entry>
        <entry key="relatives">
            <entry key="mother">mom</entry>
            <entry key="father">dad</entry>