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iOS: How to get the servicebundle headers for iOS 9?

How do we get/dump the servicebundle headers for iOS 9 (especially the IncomingCall.servicebundle headers)?

There are published IncomingCall.servicebundle headers for older iOS versions (e.g.

I'm trying for a while now to find or dump them for iOS 9 but had no luck. The classdump-dyld tool (as described at is not able to dump my dyld library as it is "Not a suitable image: dyld_shared_cache_arm64".


  • It seems like here we have it (the link for which the question was intended):

    (and here is something for iOS 9.1, but seems incomplete:

    Edit: I don't understand why my answer is eligible for deletion. The question was asked by me and I expected an answer just like this (a link to the servicebundle headers). Of course we can't post the headers here in stackoverflow. The question was "how/where to get". The addition "how to dump" to the question was meant only in case they are not available anywhere.