I used Q library to server side (nodejs) to avoid the callback pyramid.
The callback pyramid is as below :
var isNext = <any boolean>;
db.model1.find({a: val}).exec().
then(function(err, res){
if( res && isNext){
db.model2.find({b: val}).exec().then(function(err, res){
I used q library to avoid the callback pyramid like this :
var isNext = <any boolean>;
.then( function( MODEL1 ){
var deferred = q.defer();
if( MODEL1 && isNext){
deferred.promise = find2( id );
return deferred.promise;
console.log('--> err : ' + JSON.stringify(err));
console.log('update done..');
// main callback
and find1 and find2 functions are as :
function find1(id){
var deferred = q.defer();
db.model1.findOne({_id: id}).exec()
if( model ){
// some operation
deferred.resolve( model );
deferred.reject( 'error' );
deferred.reject( err );
return deferred.promise;
function find2(id){
var deferred = q.defer();
db.model2.findOne({_id: id}).exec()
if( model ){
// some operation
deferred.resolve( model );
deferred.reject( 'error' );
deferred.reject( err );
return deferred.promise;
So, the problem with this is, the .then part, when Q library is used, is not getting executed . In this problem, the call is always going into the .fail part of the execution. What I am expecting is the execution should go inside the .then part when find1() call is executed.
Your find1
function already is returning a promise - you should not must not use it with Q.nfcall
Just do
var isNext = <any boolean>;
.then(function(MODEL1) {
if (MODEL1 && isNext) {
return find2(id);
} else {
return MODEL1; // you can just return plain values as well, btw
.fail(function(err) {
console.log('--> err : ' + JSON.stringify(err));
.done(function() {
console.log('update done..');
// main callback
Notice that you should avoid the deferred antipattern. Those exec
invocations already return promises, so all you might want to do is cast them to Q
promises and reject on falsy results.
function find1(id) {
return q(db.model1.findOne({_id: id}).exec())
.then(function(model) {
if (model) {
// some operation
return model;
} else {
throw new Error('error');
function find2(id) {
// analogous