I am trying to fetch data from a Hbase table. Which has only two columns one is a country cod like "US" etc. and another is some analytic field that have an integer value it can be think as number of counts.
Now when i fetch these rows in Jaspersoft for creating chart, jaspersoft will create "number_of_chart = number_of_rows" and all the charts are similar. for example if i have 15 rows in my table it will create 15 similar chart in the report. Although bars created in chart are taking 15 different values of rows.
I am using below JSON query to fetch records from hbase.
"tableName" : "count_traf",
"deserializerClass" : "com.jaspersoft.hbase.deserialize.impl.ShellDeserializer"
Also how i can create a parameter to fetch records that are inserted in last one hour in HBase table.
Moved comment to answer:
Your datasource contains 15 records, so the detail band will be iterated on 15 times. (once per record).
The solution is to move the chart in another band:
band - It will be displayed before detail band
band - It will be displayed after detail band.
For your HBase
query I suggest you post a new question with detail on your table, columns ecc