I'm submitting an app to the Mac App Store and this app uses the Safari component to display web pages. I'm being asked this question:
Is your app designed to use cryptography or does it contain or incorporate cryptography? (Select Yes even if your app is only utilizing the encryption available in iOS or OS X.)
Should I answer yes due to the possibility of HTTPS?
The answer is a resounding yes. I talked to Apple representatives and they confirmed the need of an ERN if you just use standard SSL in the form of HTTPS. There are many blog posts and forums out there saying that you can just say no and everything is fine, but I don't believe they are following the rules, they are just not being caught at an audit might find their applications pulled from the app store. For those arriving here hopping the answer was no, I'm sorry.
But there's hope. I actually got an ERN and I described all the nitty gritty details so you can do it too with the minimum of pain in my blog post: How to legally submit an app to Apple’s App Store when it uses encryption (or how to obtain an ERN)