Okay I need some Help... I got a bluetooth-le-weight-scale. I can connect my Raspberry Pi to this scale and get some data. But its not easy for me to read my values in this hex-salad.
After every measurement I get two lines of Information, which should contain my values
(I simulated all measurements ... Person 5 is just me pushing my hands on the scale .. Person 2 + 3 is me wearing socks on the scale, so no need to give me some medical advices if you find some unrealistic values :D )
Scale: starts with 5.0kg(officaly, but i can see a 4.9 as starting point), Max 180kg (this could be just a safety note. its a glass-scale), d = 100g
what I noted from the Display:
# | Person | m kg| Fat % | TbW % | Mus % | Bone kg | kcal | BMI
1 | 5 |13,3 | 5 | 72,7 | 60,1 | 0,8 | 1056 | 13,3
2 | 3 |73,6 | 26,3 | 51,1 | 34,2 | 3,5 | 2428 | 24,3
3 | 2 |76,8 | 18,5 | 61,1 | 41,9 | 3,4 | 2741 | 24,8
4 | 5 |15,0 | 5 | 70,3 | 58,4 | 0,9 | 1092 | 15,0
5 | 6 | 5,1 | 5 | 73 | 66,5 | 0,5 | 881 | 5,1
What I received via Bluetooth:
# | handle | Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 | 0x001b | value: 1d 32 05 00 fe 0f 13 11 11 01 12 00 ff 05 09 00 00 00 00
1 | 0x001e | value: 6f 0f 13 11 11 05 20 04 32 f0 d7 f2 59 f2 08 f0 00 00 00
2 | 0x001b | value: 1d c0 1c 00 fe 45 06 00 00 7a 13 00 ff 03 09 00 00 00 00
2 | 0x001e | value: 6f 45 06 00 00 03 7c 09 07 f1 ff f1 56 f1 23 f0 00 00 00
3 | 0x001b | value: 1d 00 1e 00 fe 37 01 00 00 d7 12 00 ff 02 09 00 00 00 00
3 | 0x001e | value: 6f 37 01 00 00 02 b5 0a b9 f0 63 f2 a3 f1 22 f0 00 00 00
4 | 0x001b | value: 1d dc 05 00 fe 80 14 11 11 83 18 00 ff 05 09 00 00 00 00
4 | 0x001e | value: 6f 80 14 11 11 05 44 04 32 f0 bf f2 48 f2 09 f0 00 00 00
5 | 0x001b | value: 1d fe 01 00 fe 5c 15 11 11 ac 16 00 ff 06 09 00 00 00 00
5 | 0x001e | value: 6f 5c 15 11 11 06 71 03 32 f0 da f2 99 f2 05 f0 00 00 00
Note: Each time before receiving the values, I have to send my scale a Unix-timestamp.. most of the times, I had just send 1111111111 or 0000000000 or something like that.. but I did not note what I send.. sorry..
there is always another incoming line where I spotted the user values, that are stored in the scale. So I think these are unimportant but maybe I'm wrong
P2, male, Height: 176cm, Age: 34
P3, female, Height: 174cm, Age: 23
P5, male, Height: 100cm, Age: 10
so maybe someone could tell me, like where I can find the Information that represents my weight. I just have spotted the person numbers
thanks for helping & greetings from germany
ok ok.. I solved it...
weight: byte: 1 & 2
timestamp: byte 5-8
person: byte 13
timestamp: byte 1-4
person: 5
kcal: 6 & 7
fat: 8 & 9
tbw: 10 & 11
muscle: 12 & 13
bone: 14 & 15