I have a bat file that creates a folder and sub-folders based on a user input. I would like the code to tell me a folder it is trying to create already exists, and furthermore (if possible), if the folder already exists, I would like the code to copy the sub-folders into the pre-existing folder.
My code -
@echo off
set "dest=""
set /P "dest=Enter Name: "
set "dest=%dest:"=%"
if "%dest%" == "" cls & goto EnterName
set "findest=Z:\ProjectIT\copy\%dest%"
robocopy Z:\ProjectIT\copy\xcopy "%findest%" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS
echo Construction folder has been created for "%dest%"
Hope that makes sense!
The command you are looking for is if exist
@echo off
set "dest=""
set /P "dest=Enter Name: "
set "dest=%dest:"=%"
if "%dest%"=="" cls & goto EnterName
if exist %findest% (
echo This folder already exists!
echo All subfolders will be copied to the existing folder.
set "findest=Z:\ProjectIT\copy\%dest%"
robocopy Z:\ProjectIT\copy\xcopy "%findest%" /e /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS
echo Construction folder has been created for "%dest%"
You don't have to modify the code to copy the subfolders. If the folder exists, everything will be copied into it.