I have the following problem; I use knitR within Rstudio to generate pdf. In the main file which is called: "master.Rnw
" I call a long function called "trigono.R
" :
<<trigono_R, echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, cache=FALSE, eval=TRUE>>=
now the question: is there any possibility to call within this R function a latex-chunk. That means within the following function:
trigono<- function(con = con, run.type = NULL){
normal R commands
open chunk Latex(
end chunk Latex)
normal R commands
have a Latex command or leave the R chunk <<... >>= ... @
and go back into Latex to write some sentences.
thanks a lot
I found by myself the answer and give it here although I cannot understand why I earned negative vote sometimes here is really frustrating!
At first one needs 2 libraries:
you must use a child which contains your function. Let say within master.Rnw
you call a child named trigono.Rnw
<<childIntroduc, child='trigono.Rnw',results = "asis">>=
looks like:
<< myfunctions, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE>>=
normal R commands
cat(" \\newline \\emph{The text which appears as a normal text in Latex and Pdf \\color{red} 2.5.6} \\newline")