I am trying to apply A & (B & C) operation in and ODATA url But it is not working as expected. Anyone please help us to solve my issue. I am providing my request url for your reference
https://xyz.abcd.com/company/events/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/MasterCalendar?$filter=CommunicationTypeValue eq 'Company Holiday' and (StartDate gt DateTime'2015-12-10T09:13:28' and StartDate lt datetime'2015-12 16T03:30:00.000')
But when I try to run it as individual queries it is working fine
https://xyz.abcd.com/company/events/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/MasterCalendar?$filter=CommunicationTypeValue eq 'Company Holiday'
https://xyz.abcd.com/company/events/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/MasterCalendar?$filter= StartDate gt DateTime'2015-12-10T09:13:28' and StartDate lt datetime'2015-12-16T03:30:00.000'
But when i try to combine these two issue starts.
Anyone please help me to solve this issue
You Can apply filter using separate "AND" condition; Something similar to this,
MasterCalendar?$filter=(CommunicationTypeValue eq 'Company Holiday') and (StartDateTime ge datetime'2015-01-01') and (StartDateTime le datetime'2015-12-15')
Also you can use select case if needed for getting the specific dates.