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Use a non-newest git checkout in a buildout-based Plone site

I have a buildout-based Plone site, with an productive and a development/test instance. I noticed I currently have a problem building the development instance, and the difference which is likely to be related to the problem is different versions of a product which is "developed" in both instances.

Unfortunately the older version is the one which works ... so I tried to reset that package to the older revision and rebuild:

cd /path/to/my/instance
. bin/activate
cd src/plone.formwidget.recaptcha/
git checkout a0c334406c0d991f4facedce0334ab5566729b2f
cd -
bin/buildout buildout:newest=false

Unfortunately, buildout tries to pull, and fails:

mr.developer: git pull of 'plone.formwidget.recaptcha' failed.
mr.developer: You are not currently on a branch. Please specify which
mr.developer: branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1) for details.
mr.developer:     git pull <remote> <branch>

Well, I don't want a git pull to occur; so I looked for mr.developer options to help and added mr.developer:auto-checkout= to the command line.

There is still that git pull. How can I suppress it? And what would be the recommended way to pin the package to the desired revision?


  • With mr.developer you can fix a checkout to a fixed revision:

    my.package = git git://some.url.git rev=abcdef

    With this my.package will always be pointint to abcdef, which can be either a branch or a revision sha.

    For other version control systems, see mr.developer docs.