I am trying to take a look at how the rawToHex() function is implemented in PKI package.
I tried this:
> library(PKI)
Loading required package: base64enc
> PKI::rawToHex
Error: 'rawToHex' is not an exported object from 'namespace:PKI'
> PKI:::rawToHex
Error in get(name, envir = asNamespace(pkg), inherits = FALSE) :
object 'rawToHex' not found
I am basically trying to understand how to convert raw data to Hex representation in R. So I wanted to take a look at this.
That error is clear: that function is not available in that package. The correct spelling is raw2hex
> PKI::raw2hex
function (what, sep, upper = FALSE)
.Call(PKI_raw2hex, what, if (missing(sep)) NULL else sep, upper)
<environment: namespace:PKI>
You can't see the source in this way because it is compiled.
Please read this great answer.
Besides that, you can download the source code in CRAN.