The parameterization example in the "SQL Parameters" IPython notebook in the datalab github repo (under datalab/tutorials/BigQuery/) shows how to change the value being tested for in a WHERE clause.
%%sql --module get_data
However, this syntax always seems to insert quotation marks around the parameter. This breaks when I pass parameters that aren't just a simple value:
import gcp.bigquery as bq
query = "(bnf_code LIKE '1202%') OR (bnf_code LIKE '1203%')"
query = bq.Query(get_data, query=query)
print query.sql
This prints an invalid query:
SELECT * FROM [myproject:mydataset.mytable]
WHERE "(bnf_code LIKE '1202%') OR (bnf_code LIKE '1203%')"
Is there any way I can insert values that aren't wrapped in quotation marks?
I'm using the module repeatedly in my code, with variable numbers of OR clauses in the query parameter. So I do need a way to pass in more complicated queries.
Sorry, variables are meant to be simple scalars, or tables, or (soon) lists for use in IN clauses. They are not meant for expressions.