Search code examples

Send action from Eff in eval in Halogen?

I'm trying to throttle a search field in purescript-halogen. What I have so far:

eval (Search search next) = do
  State st <- get

  -- clear last timeout
  liftEff' $ maybe (return unit) T.clearTimeout st.searchTimeout

  -- new timeout
  t <- liftEff' $ T.timeout 1000 $ return unit -- how to send action from here???
  modify (\(State s) -> State $ s { searchTimeout = Just t })

  pure next

I thought about saving the UI driver in a global Var and send new actions from there, but this seems very hacky to me.

Or maybe there's another way to do that?


  • This is the kind of thing you'll probably need to create an EventSource for. An EventSource allows you to subscribe to something somewhat like a signal/stream/event listener and then raise actions.

    This isn't quite what you want, but is an example of using an EventSource to run an interval based timer: