I have an angular real-time messaging application and I wanted to use HTML5 notifications. I tried the following inside my controller:
$rootScope.$on("message_recieved", function(event, data) {
new Notification(data.sender_name, {
body: data.body, icon: data.avatar, dir:'auto'
$rootScope.$on("server_offline", function(event, data) {
new Notification("Offline", {
body: "You are offline. Refresh your page now.", dir:'auto'
The notifications are not showing. Am I doing anything wrong here?
Chances are you are not permitted to display Notifications. You can request permission:
$rootScope.$on( 'message_received', function(event, data){
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission){
if (permission === "granted"){
new Notification(data.sender_name, {
body: data.body, icon: data.avatar, dir:'auto'
src - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/notification