I would like to use a function which is charged to send both "data size" and "data" to a specific file descriptor by using write()
. It works when the record length is equal to 2 bytes. However, I would like to use the same function to send also record length equal to 1 byte.
send_func(int port)
void *fd;
uint64_t fsize = 2517283;
uint64_t nbrBytes = 0;
uint16_t rsize;
int count;
ssize_t ret;
uint8_t Bsent = 0;
for (count = 1; nbrBytes < fsize; count++)
rsize = ((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes];
rsize += ((((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes + 1]) << 8) & 0xFF00;
nbrBytes += 2;
// send size
ret = write(port, rsize, 2);
if (ret != 2) {
return -1;
// send data
ret = write(port, ((unsigned char*)fp) + Bsent, rsize - Bsent);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
Bsent += ret;
send_func(int port)
void *fd;
uint64_t fsize = 2517283;
uint64_t nbrBytes = 0;
size_t rsize;
int count;
ssize_t ret;
uint8_t Bsent = 0;
for (count = 1; nbrBytes < fsize; count++)
if (mode == ONLY_1_BYTE) {
rsize = ((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes];
rsize += ((((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes + 1]));
nbrBytes += 1;
do {
// send data
ret = write(port, ((unsigned char*)fp) + Bsent, rsize - Bsent);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
Bsent += ret;
} while(Bsent < rsize)
rsize = ((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes];
rsize += ((((uint8_t*)fp)[nbrBytes + 1]) << 8) & 0xFF00;
nbrBytes += 2;
// send size
ret = write(port, rsize, sizeof(uint16_t));
if (ret != 2) {
return -1;
do {
// send data
ret = write(port, ((unsigned char*)fp) + Bsent, rsize - Bsent);
if (ret < 0) {
return -1;
Bsent += ret;
} while(Bsent < rsize)
Because there is only 1 length byte in the second case, I voluntarily removed the endianity operation, which is compulsory in case of 2 bytes.
Is it the best way to practice ?
Some best practices that you can apply to improve the code you posted:
is less than you tried to send. When that happens you need to loop and call write()
again without re-sending a length prefix.