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golang prepend a string to a slice ...interface{}

I've a method that has as an argument v ...interface{}, I need to prepend this slice with a string. Here is the method:

func (l Log) Error(v ...interface{}) {
  l.Out.Println(append([]string{" ERROR "}, v...))

When I try with append() it doesn't work:

> append("some string", v)
first argument to append must be slice; have untyped string
> append([]string{"some string"}, v)
cannot use v (type []interface {}) as type string in append

What's the proper way to prepend in this case?


  • append() can only append values of the type matching the element type of the slice:

    func append(slice []Type, elems ...Type) []Type

    So if you have the elements as []interface{}, you have to wrap your initial string in a []interface{} to be able to use append():

    s := "first"
    rest := []interface{}{"second", 3}
    all := append([]interface{}{s}, rest...)

    Output (try it on the Go Playground):

    [first second 3]