I'm having troubles patching a nested object with Restangular.
The object I'm patching to:
"unread_notification_count": 18,
"notification_settings": {
"mention": {
"email_notification": true,
"platform_notification": true,
"desktop_notification": true
"history_update": {
"email_notification": true,
"platform_notification": true,
"desktop_notification": true
"assign": {
"email_notification": true,
"platform_notification": true,
"desktop_notification": true
I want to patch some of the booleans when I toggle a switch.
When I toggle a switch right now I'm fire this function
$scope.patch = function(key, field, value) {
var updated = {
// Below this isnt working
updated['notification_settings'][key][field] = value;
Restangular.one('users/'+ Global.user.id).patch(updated).then(function (data) {
}, function(error) {
The part I can't seem to get working is what to post in the updated object. I need to update a nested field, but I don't know how.
For example I want to set the notification_settings -> mention(key) -> platform_notification(field) = true(value)
I found the answer for anyone who is having the same problem :D
in the updated object I just added the whole notification settings
var updated = {
notification_settings: Global.user.notification_settings
Restangular did the rest for me. This isn't the best way to do this I think, but Instead of posting 1 boolean to the server I'm posting 9. Performance wise this isn't a big issue (for me)