My Inkscape extension written in Python does some extensive work that takes rather long time. How can I add a progress bar to show a current percent of processed data and "Cancel" button?
Create a call back function that is called after every operation.
Consider the following scenario. Imagine do_work
is the method that is worker function. Create a function fallback
that will be called after every operation for which you need a status update.
def do_work(*args, **kwargs, fallback=None):
while processing_some_condition:
# You will need to find a way to get your total data value
total_data = total_value
Do your processing call with *args & **kwargs
elapsed_data = some_value # Get the remaining amount of data
if elapsed_data == total_data:
if fallback:
fallback(elapsed, total)
return your_result
Now, comes the question of how would you implement the fallback to show a progress bar. Here is a gist that explains that
Another simple fallback could be something as simple as this
def fallback(elapsed, total):
tx_pc = lambda chunk, full: chunk * 100 / full
print str(tx_pc(elapsed, total)) + "% operation completed"
if tx_pc(elapsed, total) == 100:
print "Operation complete: 100%"
Hope this helps. Let me know if it doesn't.