I have a Article table as shown below :
create table article(
artID int,
arttitle varchar(50)
I have inserted 4 records in as below:
insert into article values (1,'abcd');
insert into article values (2,'asfsdf asdf sdf ');
insert into article values (3,'asdfasdfa sd ');
insert into article values (4,'abcasdfsdd [Little]');
created a test stored procedure:
create procedure test
@aID int = null,
@atit varchar(50) = null
select * from article where artID = COALESCE(@aID,artID) and
arttitle like '%'+COALESCE(@atit,arttitle)+'%';
Here is the problem :
When I execute this sp
with aid = 1
it results with that record and similarly for aid
2 and 3.
But when I execute with aid = 4
no results are coming becuase of those square brackets [Little]
here is the stored procedure execution script :
exec test @aID = 4;
Please help me to achieve this. Thanks! Here is the sqlfiddle link
If you don't want to use any of the function you can directly check is null
Check bellow SQL.
select * from article
where (@aID is null or artID = @aID) and
(@atit is null or arttitle like '%'+ (@atit) +'%')